Family & Newborn Photography Brisbane

About me.
Hi! I’m Bec. I have been photographing families around Brisbane for more than five years now and I. Love. My. Job. I never ever thought I could end up in a career that made me feel so fulfilled. But here I am. Photographing families is such a unique little glimpse into peoples lives - I love finding the different connections each family has with one another and capturing those little moments. Because it’s those little things, those unscripted things, that you will look back on and remember - the way your child touches his nose to yours while you hug him, the gentle way your partner sweeps your hair out of your face, the throw her head back laughter of your five year old daughter, the sweet little dribbly grins of your new baby as he looks up at you. These are the things that make my heart sore as a photographer. And sure - I still make certain to get that “for the grandparents” shot of everyone looking at the camera and smiling - that’s an important photograph to have too. But those in between moments are what I really love best (and I think you might too!).
Anyway, other than being a Brisbane photographer, I’m also a wife and a mum to four fast growing children who equally keep me sane and send me crazy! I also have a beautiful, gentle two year old golden retriever called Freddie who is my fifth, slightly better behaved child. I am a nature lover, cannot get enough of being surrounded by rainforests or creeks or the ocean. And I’m an avid reader of all types of books - classics, modern, biographies, non-fiction… you name it and I will most likely read it!